When summer is in full swing, the time you spend outdoors will increase tremendously. Summer is the season for outdoor barbecues, grass parties, fresh fruits and vegetables, lawn and garden maintenance, swimming and pool parties. Summer also brings with it a rise in temperatures and incidences of dehydration. While dehydration can hit at any time, the scorching summer temperatures also bring about an increased risk of losing excess water.
What is dehydration?
Dehydration is defined an excessive loss of bodily fluid through sweating, vomiting, urination or diarrhea. Our body is made up of approximately two-thirds water. It is a major component of every cell, tissue and organ in the body. It also plays an integral part in almost every body function. Water helps to regulate our body temperature; it transports oxygen and nutrients in the blood; it aids in the elimination of body waste; and it serves as lubrication to our joints. The amount of water required each day depends on a variety of factors, including your general health, your activity level, and the climate where you live.
Dehydration Signs and Symptoms…
Summer is an important time to remember to stay hydrated and recognize the signs of dehydration. The body can lose vast amounts of water, especially on days that temperatures soar close to or above 100 degrees. Some sign and symptoms are:
- Dry or sticky mouth-this is especially obvious in babies and very small children
- Irritability-this is also obvious in babies, and if this, along with a dry mouth, occur, give the baby water immediately
- Little to no urination-any urine that occurs in extremely dark in color
- Sunken eyes
- Restlessness at night or trouble sleeping
- Low blood pressure
- Rapid heartbeat
- Rapid breathing
- In extreme cases, unconsciousness may occur
Ways you can prevent dehydration during hot summers:
- Know the possible signs and symptoms:
Know the possible signs and symptoms of dehydration. When a person is dehydrated, you can observe some signs and symptoms such as physical fatigue, excessive feeling of thirst, dizziness, paleness, dark yellow urine and urination fewer than 5 times in a day. Knowing the possible signs may help you prevent dehydration. You will know what to avoid and what to do.
- Eat more fruits and vegetables:
When your body is depleted and you are trying to fill the tank, nearly any form of liquid can make a worthy contribution. That includes the water in fresh fruits and vegetables, since the majority of these are at least 75 percent water.
- Stay in cool places:
Weather can be a major factor. When there is too much heat, it can possibly dehydrate a person. To prevent dehydration from occurring, you should stay in cool places as much as possible. Hot or warm weather can be inevitable. You cannot control the weather. You cannot make it cool, chilly and freezing. All you have to do is try to be in cool places. You can go to the mall or stay in your air conditioned room. These places can cool you down.
- Always have water with you:
Always remember that no other liquids can make you feel re-hydrated rather than water alone. Drink plenty of water. If there is no water available, you can drink Gatorade as an alternative drink. This drink contains electrolytes and carbohydrates that can help in preventing dehydration. As much as possible, drink plenty of water every day. It is highly recommended that you drink at least 8 to 10 glasses a day. This will keep you hydrated and avoid dehydration.
- Avoid alcohol and caffeine:
Alcohol and caffeine are powerful diuretics. When you have drinks that contain these diuretics, they flush out fluid faster than they contribute it. Avoid them altogether, if you can. If you can’t, limit the intake.