Staying Healthy during Cold and Flu Season



School has started, the weather is changing and everyone is busy with after school activities.  It is easy to get run down and fall prey to colds and flu in the fall.  If you have a child in elementary school or preschool, you might be particularly vulnerable.  Small children seem to hold onto colds over several months and pass them back and forth to friends at school.  What steps can you take to stay healthy?  There are a few simple things you can do, and you might be surprised how well they work!

The first step in preventing the flu is to get your flu vaccination.  The flu shot can prevent the flu and protects both you and your family.  It takes about 2 weeks to take effect, and lasts approximately 6 months, so it is a good idea to get the flu shot in early fall.  This should protect you for the entire flu season.  You might still get the flu, but it should not be nearly as severe as if you did not get the flu shot.

The second most important thing you can do is WASH YOUR HANDS.  Wash your hands as often as you can, especially when you have been around someone who is sick.  Washing your hand with soap and water vigorously for twenty seconds is enough to kill flu and cold viruses.  If you can’t get to a sink, hand sanitizer will do the trick.

During cold and flu season, it is a good idea to avoid a lot of contact with others.   If you can avoid shaking hands, that is a good idea as even people who are not sick may have cold and flu germs on their hands.  Just explain politely that you are trying to keep cold and flu transmissions down so you won’t be shaking hands, but you are happy to meet them.

If you work in an office, keep your surroundings clean and wipe down your computer and telephone frequently.  Germs can live on these surfaces for a long time, so it is important to keep them wiped clean.  Also, stay home if you are sick, so that you won’t pass your germs to others.  It is best to miss a day or two of work then to get the whole office infected!

Living a healthy lifestyle, getting plenty of sleep and good nutrition can also keep you healthy.  Keeping your allergies under control is important as if your upper respiratory tract is already inflamed it will be easier to get a virus.  Don’t smoke, don’t drink excessively and try to get adequate exercise.  If you follow these tips you can have a healthy and happy fall!


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