Tips for Keeping Your Medications Safe in the New Year

medication storage

Medications provide many healthy benefits, but they can be harmful if they get into the wrong hands. Over-the-Counter (OTC) and prescription medications can both be very dangerous to children. In this article we will discuss some tips on how to keep your medications safe in the New Year. 

Keep Your Medications Out of Reach:

It is always recommended to store your medicines with a child’s field of vision in mind. Consider storing your medicine in a high place that is hidden, such as:

  • In the highest kitchen cabinet
  • On top of the refrigerator
  • On your closet’s highest shelf. 

Wherever you choose to store medicine, you need to keep in mind that warm and damp conditions are not ideal for storing medicine. It is best to avoid those conditions in order to preserve your medications.  

Look at the Storage Requirements on your Medicine Boxes:

This is one of the most important things to check when you are looking to store your medicine. This will help you to understand the temperature range that is necessary to store medications safely. 

  • For medicines that need to be refrigerated, you need keep them in the area in your refrigerator where they are not going to freeze. 
  • You also need to keep your medications separate from food for enhanced safety.

Reading the instructions on your medicine boxes is a good practice because it will always provide you with accurate information on how to properly store your medications.

Avoid Direct Sunlight:

Most medicines need to be stored at room temperature. To avoid any harmful reactions, it is recommended that you to keep your medicines away from direct sunlight. You should try to keep your medications in a drawer or cabinet so that they will stay cool and protected from the sun. 

Keep your Medicines Separated:

It is always best to avoid mixing the medications of different family members. You should consider taking multiple containers and storing medicines separately. It is also important to never store your medicines with any household cleaners. We have two medication storage totes that are great for individual medication storage, and they will protect your medicines from the sun. Check out our Shop page to learn more!

Keep Medications in Their Original Container:

Medicine bottles come with usage instructions and other helpful information regarding storage and dosage. In order to avoid any confusion and to ensure safety, it is highly recommended to store your medicines in their original bottles. 

Talk With Your Children:

In addition to considering all of these tips, it is important to take some time and explain the dangers of medicine to your children. You should tell them that only adults should handle and give them medications. You should also not disclose the location of your medications if you believe that your children may get curious. 

In Conclusion:

If you follow these tips, you will be on the right track to keeping your medications safer in 2021! If you’re interested in learning more about our solution to medication storage, check out the rest of our website!

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